Help Planning Bogota Trip

Abner Marsh's Avatar
I will stay in Bogota at Morph Candelaria in La Candelaria for a few days. I want to have a separate place to bring the girls. Does anyone have references for a place? Whether to rent by the hour or for the time I'm there. Something within La Canderelia is preferable, as I'm sure it will be within walking distance, but a short Uber Chapinero is okay. Any references to previous posts would be appreciated also.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
You can rent an entire apartment in Bogota in some places for under $20 per night on AirBnB. Check out the map, rates and pictures and research the website. Maybe you can use it as a second place. Be prepared for the cold nights in Bogota. It drops down to the 40's at night and it's like that all year round no matter what month it is.