HO HO HO and the Santa Clause Clap

Doug4343's Avatar
Looks like the Asian studios passed on a Xmas gift to me. Second time in a year.

I've seen a ton of the ladies, rarely post a review so my reviews won't help you, but I can't post names here. It would be nice if more would admit when the test goes positive but outside of Seeking Surfer I never see anyone or rarely anyone post.

Well there you go. Looks like I'm on the sidelines for a bit.
  • Hatey
  • 12-31-2024, 01:23 AM
That sucks man what recent studios have you visited to be wary of my pickings
aJohnDough's Avatar
And yet here some of us upgrading $100 bbfs to potentially get a STD. It is what it is but really bbfs should be free like the good ol days pre-Covid

Thanks for the heads up, I’ll wait on the sidelines too
HenrySwanson's Avatar
Was it a k-studio or Chinese hotel?
Do you guys report back to the studio when this happens? Let them know the girl that likely distributed the unwanted gift? That way she can be temporarily removed from the roster, tested, and receive the appropriate treatment.
Doug4343's Avatar
Do you guys report back to the studio when this happens? Let them know the girl that likely distributed the unwanted gift? That way she can be temporarily removed from the roster, tested, and receive the appropriate treatment. Originally Posted by tomedgewood
That's a good way to get yourself banded from that studio. I usually use one of my back up burners to give the heads up. That's what I did last time. They didn't reply anyway
That really sucks
Thanks for posting useful information.
Can you share the studios or girls you visited?
Or at least the nature of the disease. Are we talking the Clap or Aids? Or something in between?
Just realized, Santa Clause Clap.
Action&Reaction's Avatar
Glad it was something treatable! It really doesn't matter what studio or girl he visited. He's reminding everyone that unprotected sex carries an inherent risk of catching something.
the good news is, the treatment works really well. i got the shot and was asymptomatic by the next morning
Action&Reaction's Avatar
Herpes is my biggest fear. Can you imagine having to disclose that to all your future partners? No thank you! These condoms are 98% like bare.
Since you see “ ton of the ladies”, how many did you spread the infection to? This is the gift that keeps on giving