Encounter: Quarterly visit with SKL

buffalomw10's Avatar
User ID: - https://www.eccie.net/viewprovider.php?id=64064 (The Dr)
Date: 12/17/24
Name: Kelsie
Phone: She'll provide
Email Address: - sweetkelsielayne@protonmail.co m (The Dr)
URL / Website: https://twitter.com/layne_kelsie?s=2...N7itzhBIZfoy2Q
City: South of Henrietta
State: New York
Address: 20 minutes southwest of Henrietta
Activities: DFK,bbbj,mps
Hair Length and Color: Long haired brunette
Age: 35
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Petite spinner, mouth sized tits,cute grab able ass
Recommendation: Yes
lilylivered's Avatar
Was always a good time
Nice review