Which do you prefer, a genuine GFE session OR straight to the point with long MSOG session?
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Nothing wrong with either in my book. Plus, depending on your definition, you can get GFE in an MSOG session.

I prefer a session where I am made to feel I am her only client, not just a revolving door John, so GFE is the answer from me. Apparently tho, that is taboo amongst the mentally checked out of the session providers of today.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
MSOG is viable for some of us only if there's no compensation required for the 24-35-hour recharge time.

For the more virile set, the two aren't mutually exclusive, unless, come to think of it, you're suggesting that GFs generally aren't willing to provide MSOG, which, come to think of it, is probably true.
thrakattack82's Avatar
If I had to choose one or the other, I'm going with the GFE date. I enjoy conversing. Especially if it's the first time I'm meeting someone in person.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Both in the same session.
~Ynot~'s Avatar
I’m definitely a GFE. Msog guy.
Ripmany's Avatar
Only if could perform for a msog
If I have a good connection with her a true GFE is the best.
Asking for a friend. How do yall rebound for MSOG in an hour? Are the providers that good?
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Asking for a friend. How do yall rebound for MSOG in an hour? Are the providers that good? Originally Posted by jsp1484

Generally, no. I could rebound when I was much younger, Later, when I could,it was because it had been a long time.
TinMan's Avatar
Asking for a friend. How do yall rebound for MSOG in an hour? Are the providers that good? Originally Posted by jsp1484
Based on the poll results so far, 90% of guys seem to be equally mystified.
Ive only had a couple of ladies get me to pop twice in an hour... both were in the studios - Nana and Miso. Most of the time, I care more for the foreplay, slow and sensual type of visit to last since I know i normally am not a MSOG guy