DFW getting snow?

Who thinks DFW is actually going to see snow this week? I feel like we get the “it’s gonna snow” forecast then we actually get the snow!

pmdelites's Avatar
if you talk to anyone in Oklahoma or north and east of there,
what we get in north texas is not snow. it's a dusting.
just look at what the polar vortex is doing to the mid-USA.

what's the worst around here is ice!!!
100% no doubt we are going to get snow
If we do get the snow they are claiming (right now I think its 2-4 in the southern DFW area, 4-6 in the northern), that itself wont be bad. If the roads are cold enough, its the snow melting and turning to black ice... thats what causes the problems here. Stay safe yall
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
It will probably be east of DFW, like PMD said, a light dusting at most.
TexTushHog's Avatar
How are we supposed to have superior information that the weather service?
ahab11's Avatar
How are we supposed to have superior information that the weather service? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Even Pete Delkus admits there are 6 different weather models he looks at and they all have differences. Some saying a nothing burger and others say 7 inches. Where that Southern Front settles in and pushes the Cold Front not even the experts know.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Weather personalities are like many of posters on this site, they do not say anything of value that is definite as what they do say is maybe and there is a chance so that if what they say does not transpire, they are off the hook by just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • Today, 09:09 PM
I just landed and checked in. I haven't had an "ice/winter storm" since I left years ago. Anyways, I stopped at the grocery and grabbed some snacks and "just in case" stuff. Now to snuggle in and watch movies.

Or not...

Had 4+ feet of snow where I was just at in the Cascades... I am primed and ready for it!