... "OFF-Topic!"

... Hey Lads,

As some o' you mates know, I surely 'appen to be a
friendly fellow - and its in this vein that I need to
make-mention of a sadly increasing problem.

... The Doctor - and other Monitours have recently taken
a "wait and see" attitude and posture BEFORE the waving
of cards and issuing of points for "off-topic" posts.

But ALL the recent claims and chants here in the forum:
"Yer Off-Topic, you droob!" and "No, you're Off-Topic, drongo!"
are all getting a bit much.

... So, with THAT said - why don't we simply let the
Monitours call the fouls as they see 'em, so they
will continue to offour this courtesy.

Because if not - I surely fear that they might decide
to tighten up the lines and call things exact.
And nobody wants that.

... Just sayin'

#### Salty
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-07-2025, 12:35 AM

Thank you.

My belief is, a good thread sometimes evolves, branching into discussion that sometimes is better than the ORIGINAL point, topic, idea, Yada Yada.

If I am guilty of anything it's using hard sarcasm.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-07-2025, 12:39 AM
My parents are in their late 80s, they still think my button, "Fuck you if you can't take a joke" adversely affected my younger brother.

And he's more successful than me.
People seem to forget this is an adult site and come here and act like 7 yr old brats. We've all seen it and it's getting out of hand. I'm all for Salty's idea. Let's be fucking men. On while we are at it, lets loosen up on points, again we are adults and if we can't handle having our feelings hurt by other adults with differing opinions than maybe we shouldn't be here.
I'm all for any system anyone wants to put out there, as long as it's adjudicated the same way for everyone.

This slight, occasional veering off topic ending up in points is bullshit, especially when it seems like some are allowed to do it, while others aren't.

That's the only issue I have. Make sure it's the same rules for everyone, all the time - and I'll be just fine. I'll go toe-to-toe with anyone, no hard feelings.
HDGristle's Avatar
Play the game better, boys
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Play the game better, boys Originally Posted by HDGristle

In that fantasy is actually a subset of reality,
and as,
in reality life is a game,
HDG is correct that there is always better ways to play any game,
even here.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
This forum is actually way too heavily moderated in that respect, imo. Real life convo always goes tangential if it’s longer than 2 minutes, I don’t see the point in not letting a discussion go where it may.
This forum is actually way too heavily moderated in that respect, imo. Real life convo always goes tangential if it’s longer than 2 minutes, I don’t see the point in not letting a discussion go where it may. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
100% agreed
this may be the 1 thing that we all will agree on.
HDGristle's Avatar
Nah, forum is way too lax.

Don't give us a perfect setup if you don't want the ball spiked
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-28-2025, 10:43 PM

What if the thread is titled, "The entirely off topic thread, your response should be completely unrelated to the last post.

IF, you post something ON TOPIC, you'll be off topic.