And there still won't take me

Ripmany's Avatar

With she could do a low craw Me but there won't take me. Now say I a old man. Maybe if stop reject the rejects there would have enough people.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Rip, no one will take you.
Not even a political party.
For military there's a whole list of reasons enlistees are rejected.
winn dixie's Avatar

With she could do a low craw Me but there won't take me. Now say I a old man. Maybe if stop reject the rejects there would have enough people. Originally Posted by Ripmany

Rip, you'd make a great marine
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The cultural attack on masculinity is why recruitment is off. The crisis of middle management retention is more concerning if we’d ever go to war. You can’t conscript experienced junior officers and ncos, and they’ve been bailing for years even with increased bonuses for reenlisting.