Hotel question while traveling

I'm coming to Houston in a couple of weeks for a few days and staying at the Marriott Marquis and would like to get a good massage or more. Is this hotel safe and friendly spot or should I stay elsewhere? Tia.
DoubleEagle's Avatar
That’s a long way from most of the ladies . Not very convenient for outcalls to ladies or for you to go do incall. But I can’t really help you with hotel info. Sorry.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
It's fine, just downtown.
Start shopping early.
West a bit in the so called Galleria area may result in more opportunities.
Appreciate the intel, it's my 1st time staying in HOU so not familiar with the area at all. I do plan on advance planning, tried the last minute thing in Dallas a few times and never seemed to work out the best ha ha.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Be prepared to add $30 to $50 to the providers rate to cover her parking. Since it is one of Marriotts higher end hotels everything is expensive there.

Also, figure out the set-up of the hotel so you can give her exact directions to the elevator. It's a very large hotel.

The good thing about it is there is a lot of foot traffic, so they see everything people wise. No body is going to stand out.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Brooke is correct.
Expect an outcall fee markup perhaps a bit more than what she mentioned.
If you have good references or a decent p411 record, the Marriott, or anywhere downtown is fine.
And yes prebook
Michael8219's Avatar
I stand out. In fact I’m outstanding!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Yes Mikey, you're outstanding, alone in a snow covered hay field.

For setting yourself up like that, for a nice punchline, I'll cancel the coffee tab you owe me.
Thanks again ALL for the great feedback. An uncharge for parking/travel isn't an issue at all. I was just making sure it was hobby friendly.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The phrase hobby friendly really should be hobby unnoticeable.

Seriously, hotel staff have priorities.
Fire Safety is 1st
Drunk guests is 2nd
Other substance stuff 3rd
Other property damage 4th
Now I've forgotten what my point was gonna be.