Do you tip the roto or no?? New please advise

So I'm new to this all, do donations they ask for cover it all, or do you tip as well on top? Also, how much are we averaging on tips give or take?? I've heard different things and don't want to make myself look foolish or offend anyone...asking in regards to the roto girls, but also regular providers as well, don't know if things are done different roto vs regulars in town or not so ask for both. Thanks 🙏
I always tip both. Usually a $20 or $50 depending on rate and how they were. Seems to me better repeat service this way.
Thank you for the reply!
I dont tip rotos. Regular providers I may tip if service is better than norm. If not I wont.
If its someone I want to see again I am a generous tipper ($50-$100)....I have some I see on a regular basis that treat me really well and offer extras they dont offer other clients...You typically get what you pay for in this hobby