Encounter: Anna is all business and a pro at Ocean

Date: 1/9/25
Name: anna
Address and Phone: -
Address: 2763 Eldorado Pkwy
Phone: 8179031828
City: Little elm
State: Texas
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
Activities: L2, L3
Hair Length and Color: black, a pony tail
Age: late 30s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Chinese
Physical Description: Maybe 6/10 on the looks, not skinny, B cups natural, small ass
Recommendation: Yes
The negotiating part is so annoying. I won't go there anymore because everything costs extra. It's hard to get into things when you have to stop and negotiate.
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I NEVER negotiate! I put my tip down and usually get a reply “is that for me?” Never discuss $$.