Democrat rule produces

texassapper's Avatar
Ruin.... and Irony.

  • Tiny
  • Yesterday, 05:24 PM
A few statistics, comparing prices in California, a state run by Democrats, with God's Country (Texas)

Average gasoline price:
Texas $2.69/gallon
California $4.38/gallon

Average price of electricity per kilowatt hour:
Texas 15 cents
California 33 cents

Average price of home:
Texas $307,038
California $786,180

In fact, overall, the cost of living in California is 38% higher than the national average.

And after taxes, the workingman has less money to pay those exorbitant costs. The state income tax rate runs from 1% to 13.3%, depending on income. So you say, those Californians must get a break on their sales tax, right? No, WRONG. Sales tax in Los Angeles is around 10%.

No wonder there are so many homeless people in California! They can't afford the cost of living! And no wonder so many Californians are moving to Texas.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Not many mayors can claim a tenure so bad that half the city they were elected to govern no longer exists. Karen Bass can.
Remember a few years back when that very Karen Bass was castigating Ted Cruz for skipping town during that big Texas Freeze.

I guess skipping out to Africa to see some President get sworn in while your city burns is different.