In Russia, HIMARS strikes are punishment for abortions

HDGristle's Avatar

Sure, guys. Must be the abortions rather than the war you're waging in Ukraine.

Oh, and you invaded Ukraine because you jerk off too much?

Good to know American war tech is even seen by our enemies as the sword of divine judgement for their moral failings.

We should triple down on it for all the porn they make, toss in some napalm for the prostitution, a MOAB or two for the gambling and give them one paid set from Carrot Top for every gay sex act they have.

HDGristle's Avatar
Russians must be pretty sinful. Record losses that grew in 2024, and some of them were the divine will of HIMARS
lustylad's Avatar
You (and Newsweek) obviously have a very shallow understanding of the history of the eastern Slavs' conversion to Christianity. Stop viewing everything through woke cultural glasses.

Bread crumb for Gristle: Baptism of Rus 988 AD.
HDGristle's Avatar
I like your comment. You'll want to take it up Andrei Tkachev, though.

Sorry Lusty.
HDGristle's Avatar
Here's some great stuff

Tkachev blamed the HIMARS strikes on abortion and spoke about this extensively during his sermon.

He said: "Abortions have destroyed our gene pool, turned us into debauchees and murderers... It is precisely because of the murder of innocents that God punishes," and he went on to say that abortions take "an order of magnitude more" people than war does, and that "it is because of depravity that wars occur. And we will have no peace until we repent," and later discussed the punishment of women who have abortions.
The archpriest also said the reason President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine in February 2022 was because of moral decline due towidespread masturbation in Russia, as he said that "If semen spills anywhere, then future blood spills along with the semen."
Tkachev... you saucy bitch.