Feels like bags of sand.

When I see comments like " Whores, Keep your mouth shut" or "Fucked the dumb bitch"...feel like its Steve Carell trying to impress his poker buddies in 40 year old Virgin.

Sense the monger needs a double session with their therapist. Or a 14 year old wiggled their way on this forum. You have the right to be heard, but you don't have the right to be taken seriously. Those comments give zero cred to the rest of the review--at least for me. The exception is an anger post after being ripped off or robbed. Totally get that.

Veterans on here tell it straight up but also know the dangers these women face. They have a degree of empathy. Those are the monger reviews we should take seriously. They know many of these ladies come from the most brutal fucked up childhoods. (not a shock) A few we know personally. Living weekly from Motel to Motel not a great life. Teetering on whether to admit yourself to detox is not a great life.

Yup. It's official--I'm getting soft in my old age.
Spot on.
100% , those comments come from a guy that has mommy issues or grew up being blown off by the girl next door or boy . These providers didn't choose this life it picked them sadly. We enable it but all we can do is make it more tolerable and be kind gentle lend an ear if they want and just not be a total asshat. Bottom line e they are still human
here comes the white knights and Biden supporters sore trump took office yesterday lol
The white knigbts you speak of have access to these forums. Its not me thats for sure. But treat providers with some respect and dignity and in turn they may also but there are those gents " the ones calling them wheres etc " that make a person turn on others. Theres 3 sides to every encounter = yours hers and the actual truth.
The white knigbts you speak of have access to these forums. Its not me thats for sure. But treat providers with some respect and dignity and in turn they may also but there are those gents " the ones calling them wheres etc " that make a person turn on others. Theres 3 sides to every encounter = yours hers and the actual truth. Originally Posted by Scoot642

I'm not in the calling them whores group but speaking to "respect and dignity." that's a two way street. Most guys would prefer a nice and easy transaction without all the provider drama. It's a two way street I will show the respect I'm shown. But when I ask a provider 5 times if BBBJ is on the table and she doesn't answer but skirts around the issue it's hard to take her seriously or show respect. It's a yes or no answer. Not get me through the door, start the session, and then tell me it's not on the table. And that's the smallest of complaints. You must not read about the guys getting scammed on a daily basis. Lying, up-charging, ten year old pictures. So yeah, when they start showing respect they will be given respect.
I read about that Ninja often and yes I agree. Ive ventured off the stg path mostly and have a # of UTRs. O e thing guys might wanna ask or say is before the transfer ask about bbj , if they say NO say im gonna have to get cash in car for extra and just leave. I know thats not ideal all the time it i agree respect dignity are to be exchanged but not always gonna happen.
Respect is high on my list. Along with communication
But man. Respect is a give and take kind thing.
When 98% of these girl are playing some kinda game. Robbing guys left and right
Fake pics. Hook and crook. Anyway they can. I know some are going through personal issues but that not our concern. And. Their personal issues are their fault. No one told them to drop out of school no one told them to pick up the needle and so on yes I know people fall on hard times
But if these girls hard an ounce of brains they would figure out if the provide good service. Had good tcb and communication skills. They would be making. A ton. More money and guy would play the higher price for the better service I have not problem Shelli g out 3-5 for a fun quaility girl vs. 1-2. Train wreck
So my thing man it a 2 wat street you get what u give
The white knigbts you speak of have access to these forums. Its not me thats for sure. But treat providers with some respect and dignity and in turn they may also but there are those gents " the ones calling them wheres etc " that make a person turn on others. Theres 3 sides to every encounter = yours hers and the actual truth. Originally Posted by Scoot642
I get your point, but with all due respect, you should be providing the 'actual truth' and not some lopsided retelling to counteract 'her side' which is what a bunch of these neanderthals on here are arguing.

Lotta guys here acting like they're trying to right some wrong for guys that are getting scammed, so somehow that means they need to be preemptively rude about every girl in a review. Those are the guys with some real issues.

Just tell the damn truth, how hard is that? Ad said one price, she gave me another. Ad offered one service, she denied it. Ad said pics were recent, theyre 10 years old. That's pretty fair to call out.

The problem are all these fake keyboard tough guys hiding behind anonymity or VIP hidden posts to talk demeaning shit about girls theyre banging (or not). You can review a provider, even give them a poor review without being inhunane piece of trash.
I read about that Ninja often and yes I agree. Ive ventured off the stg path mostly and have a # of UTRs. O e thing guys might wanna ask or say is before the transfer ask about bbj , if they say NO say im gonna have to get cash in car for extra and just leave. I know thats not ideal all the time it i agree respect dignity are to be exchanged but not always gonna happen. Originally Posted by Scoot642

But why should i have to get to the in-call to get a simple answer? No, they figure once your there and have your pants off you wont or cant do anything if the say no BBBJ. It's the way they play the game because most know if you're there you're less likely to leave which is total BS.
I get your point, but with all due respect, you should be providing the 'actual truth' and not some lopsided retelling to counteract 'her side' which is what a bunch of these neanderthals on here are arguing.

Lotta guys here acting like they're trying to right some wrong for guys that are getting scammed, so somehow that means they need to be preemptively rude about every girl in a review. Those are the guys with some real issues.

Just tell the damn truth, how hard is that? Ad said one price, she gave me another. Ad offered one service, she denied it. Ad said pics were recent, theyre 10 years old. That's pretty fair to call out.

The problem are all these fake keyboard tough guys hiding behind anonymity or VIP hidden posts to talk demeaning shit about girls theyre banging (or not). You can review a provider, even give them a poor review without being inhunane piece of trash. Originally Posted by thedeliveringmonger

In an ideal world if we were working with honest providers this would be great. But as you and I have both seen these girls are less than honest. You get what you give.
I've been robbed before ,I learned . Ive had menu options become upcharge i learned. I never let a donation move from my counter before any services. Might not always work but I learned the hard way. My reviews are pretty spot on, I do t say ohh she came 4-5 or she was an hour early or BS that happens on too many reviews. They do have to realize " Bad Reviews " are part of this business as much as good ones but to thrown down demeani.g words really isn't necessary. The guys that do that must not look in the mirror because we are paying for a service that's illegal as well. Its respect all around d but we know thats not 100% . Being nice and cool goes 2 ways
In an ideal world if we were working with honest providers this would be great. But as you and I have both seen these girls are less than honest. You get what you give. Originally Posted by FruitNinja
Valid point, although I'd say in general i expect more decorum from a monger that holds down a job and probably a real home vs a woman selling sex for drugs. Maybe that's unfair idk. I still generally lean toward judge the individual by the conduct of the individual.

To the point of the OP, i think it's one thing if you want to name call girls who steal and scam (I've done that, particularly to their face) but the hiding behind the computer screen to talk about their baby fat or whatever is some beta shit.
Well Funtimes--you got that one wrong. But that's cool. I'm a Life long Republican, tired of how this society has become so pussy whipped. My house has the flag on the porch 365 days a year. Its just a respect for others thing. Its not that complicated.
Respect is high on my list. Along with communication
But man. Respect is a give and take kind thing.
When 98% of these girl are playing some kinda game. Robbing guys left and right
Fake pics. Hook and crook. Anyway they can. I know some are going through personal issues but that not our concern. And. Their personal issues are their fault. No one told them to drop out of school no one told them to pick up the needle and so on yes I know people fall on hard times
But if these girls hard an ounce of brains they would figure out if the provide good service. Had good tcb and communication skills. They would be making. A ton. More money and guy would play the higher price for the better service I have not problem Shelli g out 3-5 for a fun quaility girl vs. 1-2. Train wreck
So my thing man it a 2 wat street you get what u give Originally Posted by Buddz1839
It's not escorts ripping guys off. It's people, or a GROUP of people, or a couple, that rip guys off. It's people who've decided to do that because johns are an easy target; they show up with cash and can't go to the police. So don't complain about escorts, complain about people using the business model to rip guys off. Or complain about yourselves for putting yourself in that position. If you don't like it, get out of the hobby. Just like no one forced the girl to quit school, no one is forcing you to call an escort and arrange a meet up.