Pens Puck Drama

HDGristle's Avatar
Shocked you boys didn't share

Who sided with the old man? Be honest if you did. Share why.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
$100 says he’s Irish.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-20-2025, 08:49 PM
I have never caught a foul, so, does someone younger deserve to more than me?

Chances are as a worn out adult, my chances are far less.
HDGristle's Avatar
Sounds like Devo's Team Old Guy
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If I was sitting next to that kid, which I wouldn’t because those seats are ridiculously priced, and caught a puck I’d definitely give it to the kid. The old guy had too many $12 beers.
HDGristle's Avatar
Wasn't even a puck catch. It was in the net and the young man put in the work to get it out. Old man was pissed off he was in his section and complaining about several things including an obstructed view. He snatched the puck up after doing nothingn but griping and the crowd around him heckled him and were chanting for the old man to let him have the puck.

So the players wife and an usher took the initiative to deliver a puck to the kid. Then the old man got even more surly and you see the end result.

Got picked up nationally.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-21-2025, 02:08 PM
Wasn't even a puck catch. It was in the net and the young man put in the work to get it out. Old man was pissed off he was in his section and complaining about several things including an obstructed view. He snatched the puck up after doing nothingn but griping and the crowd around him heckled him and were chanting for the old man to let him have the puck.

So the players wife and an usher took the initiative to deliver a puck to the kid. Then the old man got even more surly and you see the end result.

Got picked up nationally. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Of course it would, he's an old white guy, easy target.
Iceman's Avatar
Had a foul ball come my way once. My friend asked me why didn't I catch it? I replied, "and drop this $6 (at the time) beer?"

If you really want a puck they sell the warm up pucks every game.
HDGristle's Avatar
Thanks for making it a race thing, Devo. I thought it was just because he was a bitchy asshole.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-21-2025, 04:43 PM
Assholes of every race exist, but white assholes are easiest to make fun of.

Just ask Karen.
HDGristle's Avatar
Devo is definitely Team Old Man
Of course it would, he's an old white guy, easy target. Originally Posted by Devo

... Nope - the truth of the matter was truly presented
as what actually transpired.

The olde bloke was blue because he got soaked by the crowd
and looked the fool in the whole thing. So then he decided
to try and goad someone into assaulting him.
That's rather obvious when you watch videos of the incident.

... And the olde blokes's plan there DID NOT work.
So no lawsuit... Just videos of the fellow acting like
a shithouse rat with loutish behaviour.

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
Salty is not Team Old Guy