Lawsuit Alert: Birthright Citizenship

HDGristle's Avatar

As expected, within a couple hours of signing an EO attempting to end birthright citizenship using the power of the executive branch alone, a lawsuit was filed in federal Court.

I know it will be hard for some of you folks to not veer into other topics, but try to keep your focus on the lawsuit and birthright citizenship.
onawbtngr546's Avatar

Wait, he is also going to try to retroactively take away citizenship status for people who were granted citizenship from birth, too.

Alienate the aliens. Take away their rights. Normalize hate against them. Just like his role model Adolf.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-21-2025, 02:07 PM

Wait, he is also going to try to retroactively take away citizenship status for people who were granted citizenship from birth, too.

Alienate the aliens. Take away their rights. Normalize hate against them. Just like his role model Adolf. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546

Thread is officially over.
HDGristle's Avatar
Judge John Coughenour just granted an emergency order halting the change for 14 days while the legal process plays out.

He's a Reagan appointee. So not a Trump Judge or a Biden Judge. And it looks like he believes this is clearly and blatantly unconstitutional.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The real question here is, how crazy does one have to be to support this nonsense? Sneak into the country, drop a baby and he/she is automatically a citizen. That’s the dumbest idea in the history of ideas.
HDGristle's Avatar
That's called a strawman
winn dixie's Avatar
The real question here is, how crazy does one have to be to support this nonsense? Sneak into the country, drop a baby and he/she is automatically a citizen. That’s the dumbest idea in the history of ideas. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
So the constitution is a dumb idea?
Everyone knew this was unconstitutional and would be struck down.
Of course Donnie pledges to fight on. He ain't letting the lil ol constitution get in his way....
When this case gets to the Supreme Court the left shall lose.

Thats where it is likely headed.
winn dixie's Avatar
When this case gets to the Supreme Court the left shall lose.

Thats where it is likely headed. Originally Posted by Green_Mountain
Ahhhh snick
It's a constitutional amendment.
I'm hearing alotta of anti constitution/democracy rhetoric!
We shall see how the court interprets the language of the 14th Amendment.

I at a minimum do not believe the intent was to allow for the loophole that non-US citizen vacationers exploit.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Plain English is plain English.
The courts will have no choice.
But, they are stuck having to listen to a court filing.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-23-2025, 06:41 PM
Plain English is plain English.
The courts will have no choice.
But, they are stuck having to listen to a court filing. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

What about "Shall not be infringed"?

Clear english, yet some still interpret it as subjective.

I think it has a chance at the SCOTUS to be restricted, now, but not when you have justices who look at politics first, and not the constitution.

Its why ROE was overturned, you just can't find anything in the C to justify it.

Now, there are good points on each side, Trump actions did exactly what he wanted, a chance to go right to the SCOTUS.

AND IF ITS Affirmed, the immigration picture will flip overnight in this country.

No more tourism babies, no more pregnant illegals breaking water on this side of the Rio Grande to make US citizens.

The law makes no sense at all.

Why should people here illegally be give the right to make a citizen, STUPID.
HDGristle's Avatar
We shall see how the court interprets the language of the 14th Amendment.

I at a minimum do not believe the intent was to allow for the loophole that non-US citizen vacationers exploit. Originally Posted by Green_Mountain
Doesn't really matter what you believe.

Wong Kim Ark precedent has been law of the land since 1898. Supremes ruling in favor of what you're pining for would potentially open a very big can of worms that Trump doesn't have time to fuck around with if he wants to keep full control.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-23-2025, 09:29 PM


Trump doesn't care.

Let the SCOTUS decide, and we can read their interpretation of the laws in question.

Over ripe for clarity as I understand it.


Trump doesn't care.

Let the SCOTUS decide, and we can read their interpretation of the laws in question.

Over ripe for clarity as I understand it. Originally Posted by Devo
... Too right, mate... "Subject to the jurisdiction thereof"...

#### Salty