This entire forum is a Weird Al Yankovic classic!
Whereby the Seagulls are baited & switched
By toothless flocks’ of BBW cock gobbling GOLLUMS’!

Lord of the THINGS
I ran so far away, &
Myyy preciousss 2 cent$

(Moved to Sandbox, review forum is for reviews- Namssa)
ntxguy's Avatar
Thanks for your contributions to the site. You’re insight is very valuable.
pmdelites's Avatar
"Have you experienced an intimate encounter you wish to share with the rest of the community? "

is "Whereby the Seagulls are baited & switched
By toothless flocks’ of BBW cock gobbling GOLLUMS’!"

your idea of a review??
your idea of a review??[/QUOTE]

…Gandalf the Greek wants to know if this is my idea of “a review”…
Why No Gandalf that was not my idea of a review.
“FLOCK OF SHMEAGALS” was intended to be “a thread”. Threads and reviews are fundamentally different and that’s why they are separated.
That said, Reviews and Threads both share one very important detail in common. Both of them are intended to be used for entertainment purposes only!…So relax and have some fun
Mkayy? Anything else ?
ntxguy's Avatar
your idea of a review?? Originally Posted by DonkeyKongJr
…Gandalf the Greek wants to know if this is my idea of “a review”…
Why No Gandalf that was not my idea of a review.
“FLOCK OF SHMEAGALS” was intended to be “a thread”. Threads and reviews are fundamentally different and that’s why they are separated.
That said, Reviews and Threads both share one very important detail in common. Both of them are intended to be used for entertainment purposes only!…So relax and have some fun
Mkayy? Anything else ?[/QUOTE]

What was your previous handle on eccie?
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
…Gandalf the Greek wants to know if this is my idea of “a review”…
Why No Gandalf that was not my idea of a review.
“FLOCK OF SHMEAGALS” was intended to be “a thread”. Threads and reviews are fundamentally different and that’s why they are separated.
That said, Reviews and Threads both share one very important detail in common. Both of them are intended to be used for entertainment purposes only!…So relax and have some fun
Mkayy? Anything else ? Originally Posted by ntxguy
What was your previous handle on eccie?[/QUOTE]
Thinking the same thing ,, make's me think of someone who been banned a few 100 times.