Trump approval rating

Trumps approval rating is higher than any point of Biden’s administration.

Before you attack the numbers, I’ll have you know this pollster not only called the election result to a tee with the popular vote (not many did) and correctly called out Kamala’s fake enthusiasm and fake poll numbers the whole cycle.

Current Trump approval numbers:

White - 55%
Black - 57%
Hisp/oth - 58%

I think you Dems will need to ramp up your Hitler references and videos. Lmao.
winn dixie's Avatar
A poll from a pro trumpf pollster?
Anyways enjoy those numbers if correct? They will be going down soon
There were only about 3 pollsters that got the election right. Rasmussen, Atlas Intel, and Big data I believe.

The best polls would be from a liberal outfit that would show Kamala up by 4-5 points in the popular vote. If you’re smart enough to look at the cross tabs you knew the sample was manipulated.

More Hitler references please. Much too hard to put policies together the majority of Americans actually want.
HDGristle's Avatar
I remember when you used to post links to polls

No, you don’t remember because I’ve never posted a link to any poll.
winn dixie's Avatar

Very biased poll imo. !
Those numbers are questionable at best on trumpfs approval rating

Logic 101.

1. Pollster predicts the 2024 election outcome and very, very close on popular vote %. Is deemed one of the most accurate pollsters.
2. Pollster publishes Trump approval numbers. But they don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt?

Makes sense. You surely have something that better reflects reality.
Just some made up far right numbers. Snick.

No wonder you guys lost. Can’t get out of your own way.