One eo already struck down

winn dixie's Avatar
The eo about ending birthright citizenship struck down by judge.
Everyone knew this was coming cause its a constitutional amendment.
Grade school stuff!
Losing bahahaha

Trumpf vows to fight. He ain't gonna let the lil ol constitution bother him!

This is a reagan appointed judge that ruled the eo unconstitutional
Budman's Avatar
Everyone knew this was coming. The plan is to get this to the supreme court.
Everyone knew this was coming. The plan is to get this to the supreme court. Originally Posted by Budman
Supreme court can't do shit if it is an amendment. That takes 3/4ths of the states to ratify. Basic civics here that trump and magats are oblivious to.
There are some that agree legally that the Trump position is right on the 14th amendment.

But the bottom line is that Trump's position is correct, and it needs to be brought up for discussion.
Bullshit it is. Children of parents had no choice in the matter where they were born and they know no other home. It's really the same with DACA, just DACA kids weren't born here, they were just here at a very young age. Same thing applies, deport them to where? They know no other country. And deport for what, cause you hate brown people? Fucking racist bullshit in this country is tiring. Grow the FUCK up and get along with others.
texassapper's Avatar
Everyone knew this was coming. The plan is to get this to the supreme court. Originally Posted by Budman
Don’t confuse people with common knowledge.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Trump is just testing boundaries to see how far he can take things. A damn 7th grader (with a dictionary for some words) can easily interpret the 14th amendment because it is so clear and simple to understand.
Bullshit it is. Children of parents had no choice in the matter where they were born and they know no other home. It's really the same with DACA, just DACA kids weren't born here, they were just here at a very young age. Same thing applies, deport them to where? They know no other country. And deport for what, cause you hate brown people? Fucking racist bullshit in this country is tiring. Grow the FUCK up and get along with others. Originally Posted by royamcr
... No, it's NOT the same - of course the children
have "no choice" in where they are born. And IF the
parents slipped into the country illegally - then they
may be deported along with their newborn baby.

It's NOT complicated, mate... So, no need to make it so.
This is Trump's point... "subject to the jurisdiction thereof."

There are rules and law for people visiting the country
and those who are temporary guests in the country.
WHY should rules and laws benefit those who sneak into
the country?

##### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
You might want to consider the implications of foreign nationals not being subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S. and stop focusing solely on the benefit or you're missing the forest for the trees.
... No, it's NOT the same - of course the children
have "no choice" in where they are born. And IF the
parents slipped into the country illegally - then they
may be deported along with their newborn baby.

It's NOT complicated, mate... So, no need to make it so.
This is Trump's point... "subject to the jurisdiction thereof."

There are rules and law for people visiting the country
and those who are temporary guests in the country.
WHY should rules and laws benefit those who sneak into
the country?

##### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
They largely aren't "sneaking" into the country. They are seeking asylum which is a legal process.. Since the process takes 5 to 10 years, people work, get married, or just fuck and make kids. You know living a normal life.

I hardly believe utilizing the manpower we have to find and deport kids of immigrants is our nations top priority. Surely there are some other issues to take care of. I imagine this could be just a political stunt to appease the racist magat base. The US does have a population replacement problem where in a lot of states more people are dying than being born. In recent 3 years mainly due to covid the US as a whole lost more people than were born.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
The eo about ending birthright citizenship struck down by judge. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Could you please provide a link to show us where it was 'struck down'?

I have seen where it was temporarily blocked. But I have not seen anything about it being struck down.

I suspect that you are once again making this up.
corona's Avatar
exactly. struck down is not the same as temporarily blocked. It's merely the first step in getting it in front of SCOTUS.

Also guess what, arguments are going to be made about all of Biden's XOs and pardons. Legally, you have to know what you're signing to make them valid, and there's a lot of arguments that Biden had ZERO clue to what he was being told to sign. If it's found he was incompetent while signing those, they could all be struck down.
HDGristle's Avatar
Well not all of them. Are you really expecting arguments over EO's rescinded by Trump EO's?

Your first part had some merit. Second part is low-brow trolling that has the strength of wet tissue paper.
I believe there might be some merit in altering the 14th but by EO is not the way. This isn't like dealing with a court case like Roe v Wade, this is a codified law and amendment. It will need to be approved by both houses by a 2/3rds margin, signed by president and ratified by 3/4ths of the states. Good luck with that shit but it isn't impossible. lol In 1868 we were readily taking in immigrants from all over and I imagine the process was pretty quick and easy. It probably isn't ok for a mother to come across the border or travel via visa to have a baby here and automatically be a US citizen.
winn dixie's Avatar
Could you please provide a link to show us where it was 'struck down'?

I have seen where it was temporarily blocked. But I have not seen anything about it being struck down.

I suspect that you are once again making this up. Originally Posted by RetiredSubmariner
Word games. It was halted stopped blocked . Judge basically said that the eo was unconstitutional period.
So your word said is moot. Ever one knows from grade s hool that eo had no chance