AMP Busts

I guess this is the “criminals” the Trumpster is targeting.
mulletman66's Avatar
North Strabane not trump. Also, that other Spa down by planet fitness was busted about 6 months ago by North Strabane. One of the ones busted today was right next to the brand new Canon Mac Middle School and the NS police station is less than 1000 feet from there as well. I pretty much could tell it would be a target for LE. I didnt see any federal law enforcement when i watched the footage on TV. it was all local PD action.
Trump is more worried about making national shockwaves not some jack shack in a one horse town. Obviously if this place is next to a school no parent wants a bunch of mongers wandering around waiting for a blow. I mean it gives the cops there something to do. There’s a population of 16k nothing goes on there cops have to earn their salary.
mulletman66's Avatar
FYI this morning KDKA said it was North Strabane PD along with DHS. Not sure if that is accurate because all the cops in the video were North Strabane.
HDGristle's Avatar
It's a fairly easy line to draw regarding DHS involvement. And why you wouldn't see them on cam
lustylad's Avatar
Be sure to contact the North Strab PD if any of yinz was "assaulted" by these ladies. They want to ask your dick to press charges lol.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I thought getting assaulted was the whole point.
mulletman66's Avatar
Be sure to contact the North Strab PD if any of yinz was "assaulted" by these ladies.

Yeah They actually said that on the news. I almost fell out of my chair.
Be sure to contact the North Strab PD if any of yinz was "assaulted" by these ladies.

Yeah They actually said that on the news. I almost fell out of my chair. Originally Posted by mulletman66

Yes I was assaulted multiple times over the years at both places. I guess I have "Stockholm Syndrome". I kept coming back for more and more assaults. Can you imagine someone reporting that?
According to the news the bust was the result of a year and a half undercover investigation. On five occasions undercover officers were provided with sex acts in exchange for tips on each visit. It took a year and a half for them to crack this nut. Either these cops just enjoyed having to go undercover or they aren’t the brightest police department in the country. I wonder how many tax dollars were spent on an investigation that took 18 months only to result in the capture of a couple of outlaws that shook hands with a talleywhacker.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s legal for a cop to partake of menu add-ons as a way of gathering evidence? I didn’t think they could do that.
lustylad's Avatar
It’s legal for a cop to partake of menu add-ons as a way of gathering evidence? I didn’t think they could do that. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
If you think about it, they probably need to let themselves be fully tugged, otherwise the girls can say the grazing was inadvertent. But hey, what do I know? Ask a cop.

I wonder what they say afterwards when they go home to the wife or girlfriend and are asked "Honey, how was your day?"
I wonder what they say afterwards when they go home to the wife or girlfriend and are asked "Honey, how was your day?" Originally Posted by lustylad
Its been commented on before but I think its worth saying again. Violent crime rampant, police generally understaffed - just who is setting priorities for police action?