Set up appointment with Reina for tomorrow at her place in Schenectady
I told her that it is uncomfortable and maybe unsafe to past by the gentleman out front most of time.
She said it’s her boyfriend and his crew.
She will make sure they are not hanging out front when I get there.
The funny part is her boyfriend is black and try’s to stare you down before you fuck his girl classic pimp, and all the crew out front is black
But she post no black guys..
You can’t make this up…
He's scared some bigger guy is gonna take his free ride. scum
Bad incall, guys hanging around and a few bad reports. Cant say you've been warned stay safe shes fond of BB
Any guy who would make his living letting other guys fuck his girlfriend is scum.
What fucking business would try to intimidate customers before they show up - what the fuck is that.
I don't care how good she is - why would you go see her under these conditions?
She’s delusional when she says he’s her “boyfriend”. He is her demon feeding Pimp and that’s it. Once she’s washed up he will drop her and find a new “girlfriend”. Any of you BBFSing with her you are crazy. Her pimp and crew are running through her Raw every day.
Anyone who pimps is scum.
Originally Posted by Tomb8871
Actually, I think her boyfriend is on death row. It says so on the tattoo on her arm. His name might be Romeo or Promo. You gotta link and sync with the ink.
BillB...I can't decide whether you are my hero or an absolute fool for seeing her. I could never get hard with lurkers outside. Classic case of the little brain taking over. Good luck though.
Fuck that! I could never get turned on to a chick with that bullshit going on in the background. What an odd situation. Stared you down? What a punk loser.
Actually, I think her boyfriend is on death row. It says so on the tattoo on her arm. His name might be Romeo or Promo. You gotta link and sync with the ink.
Originally Posted by Jack_Wilson
I kinda feel like some of you are burying your heads in the sand about this. But the situation described here, the 'boyfriend' and crew out front, it's a classic trafficking situation.
In fact, anyone with a handler, management, service, or whatever, is WAY more likely of being trafficked. That Latina who comes up from the city with Latina girls every couple of weeks. AMPS, of course. Maybe the Brazilians.
Yes, there are some exceptions, of course. But in general, to think otherwise, you're just telling yourselves what yo want to hear.
[/PRIVATE] Bogie - I am not sure what makes you say our heads are in the sand.
Trafficked, pimped, handled - they are all different versions/degrees]of disgusting.
Most of us said stay far away. [PRIVATE