In Case You Were Wondering, It's Frankenstein's Little Sis

Well, as far as our Cheektavegas Spa is concerned near the hospital, I finally saw what/who was behind the curtain besides Lucy. The other lady answered today..let me just say that it wouldn't be difficult for her to work at one of the Haunted Houses as a prop/character without needing much makeup or costume. If this place shuts down, there's an opening at FrightWorld that could be filled immediately.
Zollner's Avatar
MMS said a new lady was rotating in. Guess you saw her. Was she as old as MMS?

Months ago did she another slim 40ish lady leaving who was better looking than most here but was told she was going to another spa. Funny thing though she got into the same white vehicle to leave, I've seen parked at both Berkeley and Easton St. spas in the past. Makes you wonder if this spa is run by the same Flushing group.
MMS said a new lady was rotating in. Guess you saw her. Was she as old as MMS?

Months ago did she another slim 40ish lady leaving who was better looking than most here but was told she was going to another spa. Funny thing though she got into the same white vehicle to leave, I've seen parked at both Berkeley and Easton St. spas in the past. Makes you wonder if this spa is run by the same Flushing group. Originally Posted by Zollner
Not sure if we're referring to the same spot but this is the place on Harlem. I can't quite distinguish if the voice that I'd hear besides Lucy in times past is the same voice that I actually saw recently, but what I saw was atrocious. If you go, stick with Lucy or ask if you aren't sure who she is if you stop there. I have no idea where they got this other girl from but it's in almost unbelievable that they sent her to this market. Buffalo can be rough, but we're not quite an episode of The Walking Dead.
Call the big wigsand complain?
I saw Lucy once, and another older lady who would not be touched. She had a bad tooth on her upper left.
The Drummer's Avatar
Yeah, but the Bride of Frankenstein was hot!
moo goo guy pants's Avatar
Yeah, but the Bride of Frankenstein was hot! Originally Posted by The Drummer
Yes she was! And I don't think Frankenstein's monster even noticed.