Riley Gaines Hubby

HDGristle's Avatar
lustylad's Avatar
Nothing to talk about. Just have trumpy sign another EO to fix it.
HDGristle's Avatar
Plenty to talk about. The vaccine mandate was lifted.

It will still take them some time to get approved and the GC issued.

What other USCIS policies need to be adjusted to prevent similar backlogs and headaches for those trying to do things the right way?

Specific is best, if you're able to be.

Interested less in political blame game and more on what Congress and the Administration can do today. Not just EO's.
lustylad's Avatar
Specific is best, if you're able to be. Originally Posted by HDGristle
I'm not the one who's vague and cryptic. Please try to follow your own advice.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Her best bet is to dump the guy, forget about the political nonsense and come be my personal sex slave.
HDGristle's Avatar
Her best bet is to dump the guy, forget about the political nonsense and come be my personal sex slave. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Sounds like her worst bet
Jacuzzme's Avatar
She can use the pool between other obligations.