In my time visiting providers especially AMPs and the occational "Rotasian" I have learned that just like strippers, the more they like you, the more fun you have.
Besides they should be treated well and not just used. I try and be very clean and polite. Allow them to consent and try hard to reciprocate and make it fun for them. I am sure they see their fare share of rude goons who treat them like warm meat. Because by the end they are usually hugging on me and saying I am a good man or something. Asking me to I know a little pleasantry goes a long way.
My question is, if I were going to take an AMP or Rotasian worker a little gift, what would be appropriate? Obviously these are Asian girls who often don't speak decent English. I know Red items are considered good luck. What should I avoid?
I don't want to step in the cultural turd pile and bring the wrong thing but does anyone have any ideas of a small offering to make to these ladies to maybe make their day a little special? Stuffed animal? Candy? Food?? I am not trying to break the bank here just a little token of appreciation to give them.