Encounter: Washington

User ID: -
Date: 12/29/24
Name: Tara
Phone: 5709800366
Email Address: -
URL (Profile or Bio Page): https://skipthegames.com/posts/pitts...m/497825252423
City: Washington
State: Pennsylvania
Address: Near the Jefferson exit
Appointment Type: Incall
Activities: Body rub, bbbj, CFS
Duration of Encounter: 30 minutes
Hair Length and Color: Brown shoulder
Age: 50s?
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: She’s not terrible for her age. Nice tits
Recommendation: Yes
Put the wrong date down. It was last week I saw her. Not a month ago.
mulletman66's Avatar
When I saw her 2 weeks ago she was using the name Teresa. I still need to do a review but my experience was similar.
Solid chance that’s what she said. I’m terrible with names.
mulletman66's Avatar
i just did my review of her from my visit.
mulletman66's Avatar
Love the not terrible for old lady pgh yes lol, pgh is a unique town