Encounter: LiLI on my weewee

User ID: -
Date: 1/31/2025
Name: LiLi
Phone: (505)203-3461
Email Address: -
URL (Profile or Bio Page): https://www.mapquest.com/us/new-mexi...sage-471658047
City: Albuquerque
State: New Mexico
Address: 4th and Gene Ave NW
Appointment Type: Spa
Activities: Fbsm,dfk,cbj,standing missionary,doggy,69,hj
Duration of Encounter: 60 minutes
Hair Length and Color: past shoulders,brown
Age: 40+
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: short, b cups, nice nipples, flat ass, kind of barrel shaped body, very fun and flirty, nice massage
Recommendation: Yes