Whats wrong with Lincoln?

I dont know if Im just looking in the wrong spots or what, but Lincoln is complete void of quality girls and it has been for years. I used to see a provider 2 or 3 times a week. It has been almost 6-7 years since I have seen a girl at all. I do blame myself some because I am pretty picky, but that was never an issue years ago. There were plenty of attractive ladies to fulfill. Now theres just nothing. I wish there was a subsection on here just for Lincoln. Any help or references would be appreciated.
DaDuchess's Avatar
I'm always happy to travel to Lincoln!
yogi692's Avatar
Being a college town I thought Lincoln would be better. Nope, been tempted to check out the strip clubs just to see if there is anything here.
Lincoln is in a dry spell. This happens. I hope that it will change. It has in the past but who knows.
DallasRain's Avatar
I visit almost every month...

in fact I just left!

I will be back next month....
There does seem to be a dry spell here in Lincoln. And the hour drive to Omaha is sucky. Duchess is one I've wanted to meet, but I've only had one or two reliable encounters in Lincoln that I found on other sites (e.g. STG) but being very careful.

At least the AMPs here are pretty good. As for it being a college town...you'd think. Even the strip clubs don't have as many college girls they're being swarmed with Cubans. Not that I mind how handsy they get.
yogi692's Avatar
Handsy Cubans? I might have to mosey down to Foxy's...
I would be curious to know more about the handsy Cubans as well. I made a stop to OKC a few years ago and it was one of the best strip club experiences that I have ever had. The club was primarily Cubans.
The handsy Cubans have also taken over Lipstix.
Let me know if you have any luck at The Foxy. I know a stripper from there, just not sure if she dances there though.
yogi692's Avatar
so are you saying there is a chance for take-out?
The girl I know there grew up next door to me. She's a Mexican girl, hot, not sure if she's handsy or not. I haven't gone to see her yet.