Date: 02/12/25
Provider: Michelle
URL / Website:
City: Houston
State: Texas
Area / Address: The Heights
Appointment Type:Incall
Provider Category: Independent
Activities: FBSM
Session Length Scheduled: 1hr
Total Paid: 140
Was Tipping or Upselling an issue? No
Was the Description you were given accurate? Yes
Hair Color and Length:Long black Hair that extends slightly below her
shoulders, a few curls
Age: 27
Race: Latina
Perfume/Fragrance: Fresh
Smoking Status: Could Not Tell
Where did you hear about this provider? Rub rankings
Providers Body: She looks just like her photos
This girl was amazing, from the second that I walked in she was super inviting looked super sexy and told me to get undressed. She was super professional. When she walked in to give me the massage, she gave me a little slap on my ass and said that I had a nice body. She caressed me a little bit and then began her massage. I’ve honestly never felt better after a massage. It was such a good one. She made sure to hit every single body part and focus on intently. She used Nuru oil to give me the L1 happy ending. I swear I think I finished in a minute because she built up to it so well. 100% recommend her, she’s also just a really nice person. Very understanding when I showed up late because of traffic.