Free luigi

winn dixie's Avatar
Crowds lining up in support of luigi mangione outside courthouse.
Signs and chants of free luigi
Echo the sentiment of our failed Healthcare system.
It doesn't make sense in this country that insurance companies are making medical decisions over doctors.
This incident was inevitable
Hopefully change for the better in our Healthcare system will start

Many across murika think of luigi as a hero or martyr for Healthcare system change.
He killed one person.

How many have died because of their health insurance denials and incompetence?
How many have died due to not having Healthcare?
Think about it!
So it's open season to kill who you have issues with...that's seriously sick homicidal thinking. Only from the deranged left!!
winn dixie's Avatar
So it's open season to kill who you have issues with...that's seriously sick homicidal thinking. Only from the deranged left!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Good grief!

The bigger picture eludes magas
So it's open season to kill who you have issues with...that's seriously sick homicidal thinking. Only from the deranged left!! Originally Posted by bb1961
That's seriously sick predictable MAGA Media rhetoric to blame it on "the Left."
winn dixie's Avatar
That's seriously sick predictable MAGA Media rhetoric to blame it on "the Left." Originally Posted by BobbyBeeBrown

Magas fail to comprehend 1 death vs possibly millions dead because of our failed Healthcare system.
Luigi shined a hoogely and big spotlight on this subject.

Free luigi!
Precious_b's Avatar
Well, guess you could say this incident is an thumbs up for socialized medicine.
...that is unless the repubs have something better than concepts of a plan.
Why don't you tell us where socialized medicine is working...complete nonsense.

Magas fail to comprehend 1 death vs possibly millions dead because of our failed Healthcare system.
Luigi shined a hoogely and big spotlight on this subject.

Free luigi! Originally Posted by winn dixie
It's murder..what part of that don't you comprehend???
Good grief!

The bigger picture eludes magas Originally Posted by winn dixie

It is better for the Government to decide you don't surgery for 9 months because there is a shortage of doctors

The deranged left doesn't have a clue.
winn dixie's Avatar
Bigger picture still eludes maga.
Insurance companies are dictating care, not doctors. That's how our Healthcare system works.
Seems like maga likes it that way?
Luigi has put the spotlight on this travesty!
Free luigi!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Come on, WD. That dude cowardly murdered a man. He could have easily put the spotlight on healthcare if he just tried to beat him up with his hands and had it captured on video and explained why he did so. Instead, he took a man's life, and his kids no longer have their father, his parents no longer have their son, and his siblings no longer have their brother... fuck Luigi and I wish NY still had the death penalty that he deserves because I believe in an eye for an eye.
Precious_b's Avatar
Why don't you tell us where socialized medicine is working...complete nonsense. Originally Posted by bb1961
Typical maggie response when asked for the party of no health care plan. Not like you haven't had 12+ years to get out of the concept phase. Than you have guys taking matters into their own hands on the streets.

It is better for the Government to decide you don't surgery for 9 months because there is a shortage of doctors

The deranged left doesn't have a clue. Originally Posted by farmstud60
It's better to invest in preventive health maintenance than have the entitled right bleed you fiscally dry when you are in the ER with a condition that could have been caught early.

The right has a clue on how to fleece citizens to line their pockets.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Bigger picture still eludes maga.
Insurance companies are dictating care, not doctors. That's how our Healthcare system works. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Horseshit. Insurance companies dictate what they will pay for. They have no say in what care you do or don’t receive.
winn dixie's Avatar
Horseshit. Insurance companies dictate what they will pay for. They have no say in what care you do or don’t receive. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Incorrect! They dictate that Dr's try this and this before they will pay for most procedures. While waiting patients die. The Dr's have zero control over this. Most Dr's admit they can only do what the Healthcare companies will approve. This needs to change.
Hopefully this will change.
Luigi murdering the ceo was wrong.
But the Healthcare companies have possibly killed millions.
Let that sink in
The reality is that Government ruined health care during WWII.

The " Socialism " including ration stamps and wage controls created a mess we are still dealing with. If you have no idea what I am talking about you really haven't learned anything relevant from the history of your grandparents, great grandparents, or great great grand parents that lived through WWII