Un-Baned At Last!

ICU 812's Avatar
I am un-banned and glad to be back now after six months in the wasteland.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Welcome back 6mo. dang that's big time LOL
winn dixie's Avatar
6 months? Usual ban for points is 3
Welcome back
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Band camp is not a wasteland, it's a learning experience.

But, should we start a betting pool on when you go back for another learning experience??
ICU 812's Avatar
Yeah . . .each time it is a total surprise to me. I am not trying to directly dis anone and I try to keep the discussio inside the lines, but . . . .and so . . .
Busty's Avatar
Band camp is not a wasteland, it's a learning experience.

But, should we start a betting pool on when you go back for another learning experience?? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
I learned that my spirit animal & life coach is Bio Squirrel, Unique Carpenter mends fences & DrEPG brought fresh fish because the spam was gross.
Appreciation was learned and no encrypted codes.