Hello . . .Are You THERE?

ICU 812's Avatar
I don't get the general hysteria and consternation over replying to an e-mail querry on what you did last week.

I am retired now but have worked for a major government agency for over a decade. I would hsave had no problem in "bullet-pointing" five things I had done for each of the pevious five working days.

I am sure that what they really want to know is how many folks are just no there.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Ah yes, the not actually closed email account that's still getting a paycheck.

That is actually on the list of items when exploring for payroll fraud. I've actually found one of when hired to figure out issues at an outfit in real world
Trump's email response

1. Worked remotely
2. Played golf
3. Taxpayer paid trip to Super Bowl
4. Taxpayer paid trip to Daytona 500
5. Played golf
I would assume that the general hysteria and consternation might be over...getting the email from someone who is not your fucking boss!

After that same person just posted further "instructions" for you on a Social Media platform that HE owns. After he already orchestrated the firing of thousands of people, in what many would call arbitrary fashion.

But other than that, no. I cannot imagine why anyone would have a problem with this. They are obviously corrupt and taking advantage of the system. Fuck them. And the people they claim they are trying to "serve."
Trump's email response

1. Worked remotely
2. Taxpayer paid trip to play golf
3. Taxpayer paid trip to Super Bowl
4. Taxpayer paid trip to Daytona 500
5. Taxpayer paid trip to play golf Originally Posted by RX792P
ICU 812's Avatar
President Trump engages with the public directly or indirectly through the press nearly every day. Unlike former President in name only, Joe Biden, President Trump engages with the press nearly every day.

Based on the frequent and vried complaints from the progresive left, President Trump must be doing a lot!
Dumb thread, going nowhere now. Except where this stuff always goes on here.

Back to the original topic, for what it is worth: it would seem that many of the REAL bosses for these people had problems with this too. Add in problems with people working on classified projects, working with sensitive information, etc.

But otherwise, no problem!
I am waiting for some Liberal Hack to say, “requiring me to work at my job is a violation of my Constitutional Rights.”
pertpvyztrzv's Avatar
Trump not getting a paycheck.

Musk also not getting a federal paycheck.

Fed workers complaining they have to justify their position, then complaining about getting tracking software placed on their (actually taxpayer) computers.

Too bad many will find they have to do this in the private sector and may have tracking software and may have to commute to the office. Poor things.

This is my first Government job with the State. What a bunch of whining, lazy, non-working, entitled bunch of brats that never worked outside of Government and think they are so abused and mistreated.

Seriously, this is the least amount of work I've ever done for the most amount of money and the best benefits. I get it, you'd have to drag me kicking and screaming from this job. Sweet gravy train, I can only imaging at the Fed.