title is self-explanatory
so relevant backstory. i have an MS in microbiology. part of why i'm a complete idiot and have no excuse..
so my hoa bought defective sprinklers which spray water like they're on a mission to use up all of h-town's water..
course that bred mold all over the complex, killed all my plants, and got in my hvac. so mold lawsuit pending.
i'm doing my own micro for the suit. so i ordered the basic lab equip i need. went to make up my agar plates.
now doing these plates should be done with sterile technique, but it's more technical than i care to do. plus, if a plate gets contaminated by toxic mold, that actually helps my case, so it's fine.
so, i prepare the hot liquid agar and pour the plates. next day they look pretty good. a couple plates have bacterial contaminants, which really doesn't matter because once the molds culture, they eat up all the bacteria. yumm.
so i read in a technical manual that it's a good idea to sterilize the plates in an autoclave after prep, which is steam under pressure. hits like 121C at like 5atm. ( hot and high pressure like a pressure cooker.)
so i figure that if they can survive an autoclave, course they should be fine at 100C and 1atm. (boiling point of water not under pressure.) set a timer for 30 minutes.
open up the oven after the timer rings. i look inside. all the Petri dishes have either partially or totally melted. i was like, great job px!
so i go online to find out what the melting point of a petri dish is. 80C! well done px, you clown..
out of 25 plates that were fully usable before their oven adventure, i was able to salvage like 4. what a frickin genius i am..
so eccie peeps, let's hear your stories of when you were a birdbrain and celebrate the grand heights of pure idiocy like i did..
so eccie peeps, l