Giffords slams trumpf on gun violence/we need sensible gun law change

winn dixie's Avatar

Hard to argue with facts.
We need actual enforcement of existing laws and need to make major changes on the second amendment. Too many lives lost.

Too many guns
Too easy to obtain

We need to increase the age to have any firearm to 21.
Each gun should have a registration number that can be tracked and taxed
Ban all semi autos

Trumpf has taken no action to save lives from gun violence. He signed a ban on bump stocks knowing his judges would overrule! Trumpf doesn't care about gun violence.
Giffords lays it out. Plain and simple
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Sure thing, comrade.
winn dixie's Avatar
Sure thing, comrade. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Can't dispute that guns kill?
That we need updated sensible gun laws?
That trumpf has taken no action to curb gun violence!
Guns kill
Can't dispute that guns kill?
That we need updated sensible gun laws?
That trumpf has taken no action to curb gun violence!
Guns kill Originally Posted by winn dixie
... Really? ... So, pushing for more law and order
and having the police be tougher on crime while ending
the "no cash bail" bullshit... Being aggressive against
the criminal gangs and drug cartels and deporting the
criminal illegal aliens - President Trump doing THAT
has no effect on gun violence??

... It's a Start.

#### Salty
Ducbutter's Avatar
We all know your position on this issue. You've lost the debate here multiple times. Must we be subjected to your nonsense once again?
HDGristle's Avatar
Yes. Have at WD. Speak your mind. Those who want to listen can. Those who don't can ignore it. Those who want to voice their disagreement shall