Is Eccie dot com different from this one?

Hello so I had a question (concern?) is the Eccie with the .com different from this one? If so who specifically is the correct one and person to message about creating a bio page that I would safely send my documents to?
biomed1's Avatar
There are 2 "Versions" of Eccie that can be accessed. is not a part of the Eccie Boards.
It was spun up years ago and it is believe to be fed by a web bot or spyder.

As to your ability to create a Bio Page . . .
Your account is currently in the "Pending Age Verification" status.
The owners of Eccie require all Female account (New or Returning) to complete the Age Verification Process before being crated full access to the Forums and your account.

Below, you will find the requirements for completing the Age Verification process.
The email address is listed in that paragraph.
We have highlighted the information that is required to complete this process.

You must submit proof to that you are 21 or over to have an Upgraded Female Account on Eccie. We require a photocopy of your Driver’s License and/or state issued ID and your location. Your real name and address should be hidden, but your birth date and photo must be visible, along with your user name. We also need a close-up picture of your face with you holding up the license or ID next to your face. Proof of age WILL be requested of ANYONE seeking Upgraded Female Account status, regardless of their stated age.