Anyone have info?

I’m attracted to her smile and the fact that she does Greek but can’t seem to find any info on her. Usually has a couple of different posts once a day. Sometimes goes by Gabby and other times by Ashton. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
  • Jdegr
  • Yesterday, 09:34 AM
Avoid… she has scammed multiple people
She has ripped me off
Rooter's Avatar
Not just scammed but strong armed robbery with her mother and 2 neighbors. She is a few notches up from scammer, she's playing a dangerous game robbing people like that.i have quite a bit of info I collected when she robbed me. Anyone can feel free to pm me. I would say avoid at all cost.

Interesting about face from some on here that she supposedly "made it up to". Stealing their money.
Thank you everyone for the candid responses. You clearly saved me from at the minimum a bad experience and possibly something far worse.