Harassment of New Members

I don't understand if it's a running inside joke or what's going on here but I don't understand how any organization can grow under those circumstances. In my family business, new customers are given the red carpet, because they are integral to our continued success. I wasn't expecting it. With the hustle and bustle of life nobody needs to come to a place to spend money and experience utter chaos. I don't understand why adults to a certain extent can't just moderate themselves and act with civility, thus lessening the strain on "Moderators" here.Any explanation for the lack of civility to new members would be appreciated.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Are you sure they are actually new members?
DoubleEagle's Avatar
Your lucky the main instigator isn’t here.
Probably trying to figure out why you are here and not Dallas forums.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Who you all talking tooooo!!^
winn dixie's Avatar
Sorry for your frustrations.
It's the same folk who continue the harassment even after many warnings by staff.
Ignore them and have fun.
Michael8219's Avatar
This morning I woke up with a new member.

Then my lady friend moved closer to me in the bed. Har ass meant is was time for some action.

I said “Good morning sweetheart!” and gave her a romantic kiss. She said:

A little less talk if you please
A lot more loving is what I need
Let's get on down to the main attraction
With a little less talk and a lot more action
DoubleEagle's Avatar
So you had 4” instead of normal 3 3/4”. ( Sorry, couldn’t pass this up.)
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • Yesterday, 04:42 PM
I agree that a person should be more concerned with getting laid!!!
Love you long time

Sorry for your frustrations.
It's the same folk who continue the harassment even after many warnings by staff.
Ignore them and have fun. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Thanks. That explains alot. Out of all the chaos you are always cuvil and spot on. I appreciate that.
corona's Avatar
Weird, I haven't seen that. Although even if I had, I'm not a mod so I literally have no say, I'm just a member here.

Mods have a tough job, they regularly deal with:
  • crybabies, "he hit me first!!"
  • duplicate accounts,
  • abuse of the PM system,
  • threats from members to other members,
  • abuse of the RTM system,
  • pimps with little dicks who like to try to intimidate people
  • and lastly little punk ass bitches who create multiple accounts, act out, get their shiny new account banned and then create another account and come back acting like everything is all "what's going on around here" meanwhile everyone and their brother knows who it really is.

I don't envy them one bit. Although, it is interesting to hear chatter in some special places about the bullshit they see, and how laughable some members act.

Have you considered applying for a moderator position? Perhaps you could clean up the problems you complain about around here.

Some other recent new members have also had some difficulties with adjusting to the board and moderation practices. Perhaps you could review these threads for some more insight?
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • Yesterday, 07:44 PM
I love fierce men^^
I will lick your Corona bottle

Demolition's Avatar
Advice for the newbie: This is an information exchange site, not a social club. If you are lonely and looking for friends, join the Lions Club, the Rotary Club, and clubs such as this. This site is for passing information on the hobby; ie. reviews of your interactions with the providers. If someone busts your chops on the coed site, think of it as a subtle hint that you are fucking up and need to toe the line. Digging in and letting your foolish pride get the better of you will lead to unfortunate consequences, ie, being sent to BANNED Camp, where a period of time out will let your try to rein in your poor behavior. Bottom line is less blabber on the coed site and more reviews
When I first joined the board, I posted one message on the Welcome Wagon (or whatever it was called here, said I was a new member, and I don’t think I posted again for a year. I took my time, reading posts, getting the lay of the land so to speak, and slowly worked my way into seeing newbie friendly providers until I was reasonably comfortable reaching out to others.

You have come into unfamiliar territory, immediately asking for help and/or feedback (nothing wrong with that), but when you put yourself out there in a public forum, you should expect to get the feedback you seek, both positive and negative. You would do well to focus on the positive and ignore the negative. You are projecting yourself to be an attention-seeker, which is really not what you want to be in this hobby.

Good luck to you, sir.

Michael8219's Avatar
I love fierce men^^
I will lick your Corona bottle

Originally Posted by Busty
I almost spilled my milk busty!
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • Yesterday, 08:44 PM
I wished you would