FYI update on new spa ladies in SA

SpursFan's Avatar
Did a morning drive today to do some reconnaissance to see what's new at a couple of my fave spas UR and Harmony. The trend is for variety is the spice of life and attractive ehough to play'-eeee-ay!

Both spas have brand new faces -

UR currently has:
- Yoyo (girl next door type) in her 20's and kind of rounded face, seemed willing and eager to please

- Sweet - had a prettier face and sexy bedroom eyes with a black top and jean skirt and she looked yummy (will definitely return to take her for a test drive) Great eyes with some make perfect makeup and is the extra sexy girl next door type)
*** both speak English which is a plus

Harmony turnover too:
- Amy - very nice high school cheerleader type, innocent looking too. Very attractive girl next door with almond shaped eyes and a great look about herself. Mid to low 20's and very cute (definitely on my TDL)

- Lulu is also a young cutie who is shorter but definitely doable. Worth taking one for the team worthy. Guessing in her mid 20's as well and worthy of a visit.

Good luck Chuck...
Thanks SF!
TXloverofspas's Avatar
Thanks SF

Saw Sweet and you were spot on...