What's Next, 3 EZ Payments??

Maybe if she offered low some interest payment options I could afford to visit some of the ladies that tour Pensacola or some of the providers that stay here. Everyone has heard about Bird Flu doubling the cost of eggs. Is there an Escort Epidemic the media hasn't reported on that's been wiping out the hooker population as well? Has the decreased population significantly effected the cost of pussy? I mean $500,$600,and even $1000 for an hour incall in Pensacola. Who among us can even afford to visit these ladies? I understand that touring is not cheap and it's a business, but how many clients are they actually seeing while they are here? Even some of the local talent have almost doubled their price over the past year. Why?? Room rates have risen slightly, but nothing has really happened to justify it. I will say that there is a handful of local providers that are still VERY reasonable and justified in their increases and even some that haven't changed their pricing at all. Unfortunately for the gentleman in need of their services more often than not the costs have gone up. And what's worse the level of service, comms, attitude, and the quality of what's available remains the same, or in most cases it's worse than before. I would think that most guys don't have as many encounters as before. The other result is that some are willing to take the risk of setting appointments with (lets say) questionable providers that have not been reviewed, because the little head has taken over and common sense goes out the window. I certainly don't know if anything will change or what the answer might be or if there is one. It's frustrating when the cost for what should be a $250-$350 provider is $400-$500. Of course, nobody has a gun to your head saying you have to see anyone of these ladies, and some would tell you to quit your bitching, shut the fuck up and stay home, and do your wife (if she will let you) or jerk off. Anyways, I'm just voicing some frustrations that is undoubtedly shared by most guys around here. Everyone knows the cost of eggs are out of our control, and whether your craving an omelet or pussy your gonna have to pay more to eat them!!
  • V31L
  • Today, 11:15 AM
Agreed pricing has gotten out of control these hos acting like they have platinum pussy and some have cockroach 🪳 snatch
  • V31L
  • Today, 11:18 AM
Agreed i.saw this trent starting to happen last year luckily I found a really wonderful GF so I have a steady supply of pussy. But I have a few local pros no hotel hookers though that I like to still see dont mind saving up the 400-500 for a treat myself. But glad I am not single single and having my wallet get fucked hard and I get some meh pussy for it
LilNicky@420's Avatar
Of course your right nobody likes to see prices go up. Just a thought though, if you date a woman she is going to collectively cost you more in a month than a couple visits to a provider. Plus she is in your wallet, phone, and business. There are still several providers around that are reasonable so I choose the no Girlfriend approach. Just my opinion guys.