Slotkin gives a classy response

winn dixie's Avatar

Senator slotkin from Michigan gives a classy response filled with facts and common sense. Prolly the best response in delivery and substance I've ever seen

It's only a ten minute video.
Please watch to see how class and dignity is shown. Please watch for the real facts and truth. No theatrics or hypocrisy.
Very well done for a jr. Senator!

Side note....
It will be interesting to watch slotkins career trajectory.
She did a commendable job in attempting to defend the indefensible.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Except nobody watched it or cares.
ManSlut's Avatar
I care, but hey, I’m not a brainwashed Trumper or Liberal Democrat.
Iceman's Avatar
A self-titled lifetime public servant.

Sounded like the things she wants, Trump is doing.

Bring supply chains back and create good jobs.

A functional immigration system with proper vetting.

Everything else was the same old BS they have been spewing, "Trump bad".

Where are the solutions they claim to have?
A self-titled lifetime public servant.

Sounded like the things she wants, Trump is doing.

Bring supply chains back and create good jobs.

A functional immigration system with proper vetting.

Everything else was the same old BS they have been spewing, "Trump bad".

Where are the solutions they claim to have? Originally Posted by Iceman
I never heard of her before tonight, but the consensus is she ran more as a Republican in her ideas more than a Democrat.

In short, she lied to the voters. If she has a D after her name, she’s part of that rude, juvenile bunch America got to see last night.

Once pulling the wool over the voters eyes, she resorts right back to being a dirtbag.
Precious_b's Avatar
Except nobody watched it or cares. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I did after I awakened from the guy ducking the elephant in the room about the prices still rising, market losing faith, etc.

And a clear, concise, precise delivery made it easy to care.
winn dixie's Avatar
Prolly the best response speech ever given
Schwarzer Ritter's Avatar
Duplicate much WD??

Classy? Except for the falsehoods.
I never heard her apologize for the behavior of the democrats. She's speaking for the democrats so she be the one.who apologizes.
winn dixie's Avatar
Slotkin only made a rebuttal speech.
Full of facts. That's all a response speech is intended to do. She did so with class and calmly.