Anyone see each other in public?

The more I partake in this hobby, the more I realize that someday, I'll likely encounter someone that I've met with at the grocery store, mall, event, etc.

Does anyone have any good stories of an awkward encounter like that in the public? Or depending on how regular you see each other, maybe it was just more like running into a friend?
I’m friends with my favorite hobbyist. We go out to eat together and do other things together.
Anoksunamon's Avatar
I have seen a couple of my clients before. One time at Lowes and aother time was at my dentist office. I never acknowledged them in public but I can't help but to look away and smile.
I also, routinely have lunch with one of my clients. He tries to get me all liquored up!! Lol He is an older fellow. I like him. He is kind and offers lots of advice.
I take great care in respecting my clients' privacy. I know they appreciate it.
I actually have seen a couple in the wal-mart at Kearney and Glenstone.
I seen another at a garage sale.
And I actually went to a garage sale a provider was having. When it was just us I asked if she remembered me and said she did. She got her man to watch the sale while we went inside. I asked her afterwards if she was planning on selling that at her sale and she laughed hard.
I am always very discreet with them and don’t approach unless they give me a signal.
CatMan4u's Avatar
I ran into one at a store and we acted like old friends
And another one we went out to eat together several times
Anoksunamon's Avatar
Yes, some of my clients have been coming to me for the last 7 years. We are more like friends. Who knows!! You gotta kiss a lot of frogs before a girl finds her prince. I put in an Express line!! Lmao