The Gender Debate

HDGristle's Avatar

What's your take on Dr. Mike's take? Don't focus on Destiny
Jacuzzme's Avatar
There is no debate amongst those who aren’t insane or selling something.
HDGristle's Avatar
What specifically did you take issue with?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What specifically did you take issue with? Originally Posted by HDGristle

the moment he said "there are mostly two genders". this guy is a quack who should have any medical license he has revoked for life
HDGristle's Avatar
How far into the vid did u get?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
How far into the vid did u get? Originally Posted by HDGristle

2 minutes. no further wasting of my time was required or needed
HDGristle's Avatar
You should have watched more
Gender is another word for personality. There are infinite personalities but forever was and will be only 2 sexes.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You should have watched more Originally Posted by HDGristle

if i get bored after Gutfeld i'll consider it

Gender is another word for personality. There are infinite personalities but forever was and will be only 2 sexes. Originally Posted by Loretta77

exactly. if i fantasize as being a unicorn it doesn't actually make me a unicorn
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  • Devo
  • Yesterday, 10:31 PM
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Perhaps alternatives should be referred to as flavors, rather than genders