A Message to Albany Ladies/Handlers Tryst Eros

300 hhr
400 hr

That’s it.

Rates are out of control. Going to push Albany right out of the market.

Most are travelers. Hotel rates aren’t up. Gas isn’t $5/gal. Airfare isn’t awful.
Just stop. Don’t want to hear it.

Make something or make nothing, because STG is a wasteland and you all are all that’s left.
Market will bare what it can and it will adjust one way or another. Either prices come down or they will go to another city. What i cant stand is the increased screening with official IDs and pictures. I have been holding the line and refusing to provide.... but I am sure all our data is out there on some epstien type list that these ladies share.
If she's worth more, she's worth more. If she isn't, she isn't. There are ladies out there who's time costs thousands. Jeepers, just price a new car. It's Lamborghini vs. Volkswagen. If the guy can afford it, he can afford it.
Tryst says there are 86 ladies within a 60 mile radius of Albany that offer escort services. At least 67 of them charge $400 or more per hour. Some one is paying them it would seem and they would be stupid to take less.
Hey I had a $200 one the other day, you get what you pay for
300/400 should be a decent provider. Traveling Brazilian rate.

It’s less about the ladies and more about the area. As mentioned in another thread… 350 could secure you a clean hottie overnight in Montreal. Sure, you can in turn make a claim that there are several countries with beautiful women at a lesser cost, but Montreal is only 3.5 hrs away and the next terrible fight I have at home will be my ticket north.
I agree with you 1000 percent that it is not worth it and the prices and quality are way out of whack in this area. It is a big reason I am obtaining from the hobby - at least locally.

I am just saying sending them a message (your title) is pointless because many are clearly knocking down more than that.

Your title should be - "Albany Mongers" - the local talent pool is so disgusting they are willing to way over pay for even mediocre talent. I see middle aged average looking women on Tryst asking 500 for FBSM. In LA you can fuck a beautiful young fit Korean girl raw tip for $350.

Albany might be the worst market in the country for this hobby.
I’ll add…in case any of the ladies are reading this…
Sorry in advance if we negotiate against your posted tryst pricing…don’t take it personal. Many of our Albany ladies post on STG AND on TRYST….and it’s quite clear that they are hoping to hit a home run on tryst at double their actual price…while hoping we don’t notice that it’s the same lady in both ads. Your TRYST pricing may be your actual prices, but in most cases they are not.
Shits ridiculous. I have a limit 150 if I have more than that much money to spend it’s not gonna be on a warm place to cum. There’s truck parts and bike parts and a bunch of other well worth it stuff I can spend my money on.. Lmao
Shits ridiculous. I have a limit 150 if I have more than that much money to spend it’s not gonna be on a warm place to cum. There’s truck parts and bike parts and a bunch of other well worth it stuff I can spend my money on.. Lmao Originally Posted by radar6
Fishing gear, guitars, and I thought THAT was expensive
The real bitch of it is if it’s somebody new, you’re not gonna know how nice the encounter will be. You go in for like 500 600 $700 and all you get is a very pretty face, a great body, a clean ass and a dead fish. There is no fucking way in hell I’m ever paying that much just to fuck a girl that’s either lame, a clock watcher, has a bad attitude, etc… And, if you’re a traveling escort, forget it. Nobody knows you in the area and you’re posting up extravagant prices? Gtfo lol… I’ve got other shit to spend my money on as well. Some of these girls and outfits didn’t get the message there are 8B people on the globe.

I was a fuck machine when I first got into this hobby. I BARELY missed out on Kira and SS. Two regrets I have for not pulling the trigger sooner, but I got in early with Amber and several other good encounters for REASONABLE rates. I was fucking the Brazilians every week at 300 a pop for 1hr. Now… zero unless they agree to 300 for a hhr at very least which is very few.

1200 a month to 300 maybe once every other. Stupid.
Ridiculous thread