STD issue? WTF?

Almost a decade in and the first thing I ever heard at all about this issue was a little over a month ago now we got another claim about a positive test? WTF? I have no idea of the validity but either way if it’s one place it could easily spread to all studios and even though we’re just a bunch of freaking horn dogs respect the game and let’s all get tested so we can clear this issue up! I know most girls I’ve talked with get tested and apparently the studios are up on things because the originally suspected culprit is gone. Let’s do our part my dudes.
Right now its hearsay.. no one has come out here that I am aware of to say they got it.. going off third party intel.. just doesnt sit right by me. Is it possible? obviously, nature of the business.
One guy posted a month or so ago saying he just tested positive for chlamydia and herpes.
Yeah I read that one. Where are the other claims coming from though?
winn dixie's Avatar
Ohh cmon
All the barebacking that folks talk about in the amps. Bound to happen.
Does anyone really think these gals get checked?
Yeah I read that one. Where are the other claims coming from though? Originally Posted by RickyG2002
There was a post in Dec and in Jan.. we can at the 3rd is made up since it’s not from the person directly, but I would assume if you see smoke, then likely a fire…

Better yet, Ricky could be the one to test the theory!
Ohh cmon
All the barebacking that folks talk about in the amps. Bound to happen.
Does anyone really think these gals get checked? Originally Posted by winn dixie

I'm sure they get themselves tested, but even if it were every two weeks and with how long it can take things to show up, it will still be passed around. I just don't understand why so many are willing to take the risk of BBFS. Condom technology is great these days. You can still have a great time CFS.
Doug4343's Avatar
I caught Clamydia in December. I posted it here. Another guy posted he got
It plus herpes. I didn't get herpes. When I posted it I adhered to the rules and didn't name any providers but I got a shit ton of pms of course asking me. A few guys admitted getting it as well, others posted they were in the clear. I'll probably go back in for a test soon.