Long Island on fire

winn dixie's Avatar
Long Island on fire.
Was the gumment testing lasers again?
Did another Musk rocket crash and burn.
CONSPIRACY! I want answers!
Why is trumpf mum on this event? What's trumpf hiding?
Q ? Where yall at? Is q in on it too?
Murika demands answers!
winn dixie's Avatar
Me politicos say info will SOON be released. Wait and see, Indeed!
winn dixie's Avatar
And where is trumpf?
On the golf course of course.
While gov hochul has declared an emergency!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
That's a long, long, way from Pittsburgh.
Are you in the correct forum winn?
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • Yesterday, 05:43 PM
That's a long, long, way from Pittsburgh.
Are you in the correct forum winn? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

Another blame Trump thread.

winn dixie's Avatar
Long Island on fire and trumpf is at the golf course.