Star Hollowday - Now Scamming Deposits


Just came across this in NOLA Coed, thought I would share since I know she’s traveled thru (and may post about coming back, who knows, so heads up) and some of you fellas have seen her. Time to stay away. Looks like she’s going down the wrong path. Note Reese’s last post. She hit the nail on the head.

Evidently others have been scammed as well. Her 4 most recent reviews here are all deposit scams. Per one of those reviews, her P411 has been taken down.

Hasn’t logged on her profile here since 2/14/25. What a surprise. “She” used to be logged in constantly.

Last active on Tryst today. Still has touring dates posted. Do not send deposits fellas.
Too chubby anyway. My money is safe.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
deposit lol
lilylivered's Avatar
Too bad, I was hoping to see her again...
Oh well
ben dover's Avatar
Yeah me too LL, I had a great time when I saw her and was supposed to see her a few months ago but she cancelled, never asked for deposit.
lilylivered's Avatar
Yeah me too LL, I had a great time when I saw her and was supposed to see her a few months ago but she cancelled, never asked for deposit. Originally Posted by ben dover
Yep, I sent her a message to hook up too.
She said she didnt want to risk the drive in January.
Never asked for a deposit from me either