Bad smelling client, gave him a HJ instead of BJ

SassyStarlet's Avatar
I had a client(vvgask) (his review of me). Here is my side. When he came over he stank really bad. I asked him politely to take a quick shower, I even told him a little lie that I make every client take a shower.

I don't know what he washed but it sure wasn't his uncut dick. He smelled too bad so instead of vomiting all over his dick I gave him a Handjob and sent him on his way.

If you smell bad enough for me to gag without even putting you in my mouth, then you are getting a handjob. He was lucky he even got that. Other clients kept mentioning the lingering smell for the rest of the day.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • Yesterday, 10:00 PM
In the past when these type of threads pop up, it's been consistent that the client got taken advantage of, it's always the same, he tried BB or he smelled, you probably should not accepted the $ and send him on his way, did you not accept his $?
SassyStarlet's Avatar
I didn't take advantage of my client. I gave him the opportunity to shower, that was his chance to either clean off or back out. i am not going to vomit on some guy cause he refuses to be clean. He got a handjob. He is pissed because I didn't get on his stinky dick then next time he sees a provider he should be clean.

Do you go see a provider stinking? Do you go all filthy and expect them to just power through it? do you really expect the provider to do everything you want no matter what or give back the money you spent for her time?

Im sorry but if your disgusting, mean, violent or extremely rude, a provider has the right to cut time short and keep the money. If you see that as "taking advantage" of the client then you probably fit in one of those categories.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • Today, 06:33 AM
Grown men should not have to be told to shower.
That's uncalled for and nasty gross.
In my opinion you did the right thing.
If a gent runs into a stinky provider they want to burn her to the ground.
BLM69's Avatar
I didn't take advantage of my client. I gave him the opportunity to shower, that was his chance to either clean off or back out. i am not going to vomit on some guy cause he refuses to be clean. He got a handjob. He is pissed because I didn't get on his stinky dick then next time he sees a provider he should be clean.

Do you go see a provider stinking? Do you go all filthy and expect them to just power through it? do you really expect the provider to do everything you want no matter what or give back the money you spent for her time?

Im sorry but if your disgusting, mean, violent or extremely rude, a provider has the right to cut time short and keep the money. If you see that as "taking advantage" of the client then you probably fit in one of those categories. Originally Posted by SassyStarlet
It was best to end it as soon as you smelled the cheese and send him on his way, to answer your question, I've dealt with smelly women before, I've got myself together and left without paying, It goes both ways .

You're a trooper for even stroking it, that smell must had to multiple with some friction, I couldn't do it
ntxguy's Avatar
I’m just surprised d_ddy didn’t defend you in that review.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
You said it lady..
corona's Avatar
I’m just surprised d_ddy didn’t defend you in that review. Originally Posted by ntxguy
day aint over yet
winn dixie's Avatar
Tis the season
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Hygiene should NEVER be an issue. There is no legit hobbyist who is going to set an appointment with a provider and has personal hygiene issues when the appointment time comes, and that also goes the same for legit providers as well.

There should be no reason, be it hygiene, don't feel good, personal issues, ect. that would prevent any less than 100% from both individuals to make the session great. If there is, cancel and reschedule.
Other clients kept mentioning the lingering smell for the rest of the day. Originally Posted by SassyStarlet
This is absolutely awful. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. You did what you had to do. Good for you for sticking up for your time and effort.