stripper perfume smell

Someone123's Avatar
Anyone have any advice for quickly removing the smell of stripper perfume from clothes? Can't come home smelling like a stripper.
"accidentally" spill a little gasoline on yourself to mask the perfume.
Someone123's Avatar
LOL... Good idea, just need to find one that's open late nearby.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Just buy the same for your SO.
You tested it.
Just buy the same for your SO.
You tested it. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Haha! I like it although I think reactions might vary :-)
CWS91's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
I second the gas suggestion.
That way you come home smelling like gas throw your clothes in washing machine immediately and gives the perfect excuse to take a shower.
All evidence gone before the s o
Can even think twice.
BLM69's Avatar
"accidentally" spill a little gasoline on yourself to mask the perfume. Originally Posted by thebodyman10
Diesel works good too, I remember years ago, I left to see a side piece in the night, getting home I smelled like pussy with perfume, ex thought I went to the strip club and was pissed. Men will be Men if you're not soft
I belong to a gym that has a pool and is open late. You will stink of chlorine after. No odor survives the pool!