Intrigued - Thoughts

Saw both of these on Tryst. Obviously/ probably traveling together since both in 30A at same time.

Surprisingly enough I couldn't find anything on them nor are they on P411. What's yalls thoughts?
BulldogCountry's Avatar
Second one I think was reviewed by someone at some point last year. Positive review from what I remember. Couldn't tell you details, though.
Nanae to me looks hotter little more to her plus a 2$$ lower price could be fun !
They come thru every so often, but keep changing their names. Previously both had good reviews.
Kiko was the most perfect experience I've ever had from a looks and perfect chisled body standpoint. I did the review when she was going by Mio Mori.
We keep in touch and she's an absolute gem.
I don't understand why these girls, who are apparently real and very attractive, have such crappy photoshop/filters in their ads. I was convinced they were fake because of this, but I guess they aren't.
nobody_home's Avatar
I don't understand why these girls, who are apparently real and very attractive, have such crappy photoshop/filters in their ads. I was convinced they were fake because of this, but I guess they aren't. Originally Posted by NoCluesHere
someone else is taking this photos and they are staged, so obviously its a "professional shoot" session. Blame the photographer who includes 'touch up' as part of their package without realizing how crappy they are at it. The girls (or agency) isn't balking on this garbage.

FWIW - i knew and frequented a very very popular provider in NOLA that is now out of the biz. I couldn't understand how what she looked like in person could've been hidden so well in her regular social media posts. I found out (from another provider) that she had an agreement with a successful photographer that would expertly photoshop her likeness on other (stock photo) girls that shared her body type. I certainly couldn't tell in the photos regularly posted there was any manipulation going on.