Bomb threat made against Justice Barrett's sister

HDGristle's Avatar

No place for this shit. If anyone feels this is justified, please explain why.
winn dixie's Avatar
Will Patel investigate?
Defy krasnov and this happens.
I hope they catch the offender.
onawbtngr546's Avatar
How un-american
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

No place for this shit. If anyone feels this is justified, please explain why. Originally Posted by HDGristle

“I’ve constructed a pipe bomb which I recently placed in Amy Coney Barrett’s sister’s mailbox at her home,” the email read. “The device’s detonation will be triggered as soon as the mailbox is next opened. Free Palestine!”

ah the tolerant progressives .. such diversity and compassion .. for a bunch of fucktard radicals who think violence begets peace .. as long as it's their peace

Will Patel investigate?
Defy krasnov and this happens.
I hope they catch the offender.
Disgusting Originally Posted by winn dixie

of course he will, unlike Comey and Wray who refused to protect conservative justices from illegal protests at their homes.

Patel would also investigate if the threat had been made to any supreme court justice including the radical liberals.on the court.

because Patel is about Truth, Justice and America First!

winn dixie's Avatar
Yall believe that free Palestine comment?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yall believe that free Palestine comment?
Lolling Originally Posted by winn dixie

who cares who believes it? it's just another excuse for far leftist commie's to kill "fascists" in the name of the cause .. communism and anarchy
winn dixie's Avatar
Just because it may have read free Palestine. It means nothing. Proves nothing.
It's surely a maga doing what they do.

This is sad.
HDGristle's Avatar
Way to make it political Waco. We were on a positive roll condemning bad behavior
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Just because it may have read free Palestine. It means nothing. Proves nothing.
It's surely a maga doing what they do.

This is sad. Originally Posted by winn dixie

very unlikely this a "MAGA Stunt" you know who's the usual suspect ... the far left radical progressives

Way to make it political Waco. We were on a positive roll condemning bad behavior Originally Posted by HDGristle

if you don't think this political what's the point of the thread?

Bomb threat made against Conservative Trump Appointed Justice Barrett's sister

ftfy on the title
HDGristle's Avatar
It's pretty universally bipartisan that threatening fam of gov official is bad. Thanks for the bump