No more street walkers on Harry Hines and Paris?

Been out there recently and barely saw any girls compared to what I used to just last year. So researched a little bit saw a few recent videos of some pimps saying there's a "zero tolerance" policy now and the cops will arrest any girl they see:

at 14:00:

Could the cold weather also have something to do with the the lack of girls? Will the girls come back during the spring/summer when the weather is nice?
That explains it. I went to paris a few days ago to buy something and there was one girl inside but zero girls outside and 3 cars which were me and 2 customers. I even said " sure is quiet around here" and the counter person didnt reply back with an explanation, only agreed. But it was definitely unusual.
winn dixie's Avatar
Who's gonna break this bad news to blm?

Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
BLM69 has moved the girls to another track.