I'm back. Pxmcc thanks

I want to say first thanks to Pxmcc. I shared a lot her and was quite vulnerable. To my detriment. Px and I had some drinks together and I thank him for that. Going through troubles with your wife, being wrongfully accused here, dealing with work stress was a lot. Sometimes a simple act of kindness goes a long way and Pxmcc showed me that.

That and of course my beloved Waffles. Me and my wife are separated, headed for divorce after a few decades. I'm semi retired and I've procured an apartment with a beautiful walking trail so I take Waffles on several walks daily. Waffles is now for the most part off leash and responding very well to commands. I will say I don't want what happened last time. I'm looking forward to just peace and tranquility. I actually have a lady coming by in a few( she actually loves Waffles) so my plan is to peacefully co exist here. I served my banishment ( wasn't deserved) . Now I just want to peacefully coexist. Thanks Pxmcc. You are a great friend.
Also to Winnie. Thank you. To LBJ..since now I have no entanglements, what do you say me, you and Waffles retire to the Dominican Republic. I buy us a nice home and we can live out a peaceful life. I'll even go fishing for you 4 times a week for some fresh fish, plus many other adventures. As long as you can love on Waffles. I love me some LBJ.
winn dixie's Avatar
Welcome back fox. Share some waffle stories.
Busty's Avatar
Are y'all CUCKS? No offense but everyone has their fantasies and the 3 of you are doting on each other like a bunch of CUCKS.
I'm on topic, this is about ADVENTURE !!!

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Are y'all CUCKS? No offense but everyone has their fantasies and the 3 of you are doting on each other like a bunch of CUCKS.
I'm on topic, this is about ADVENTURE !!!

Originally Posted by Busty

DallasRain's Avatar
welcome back!!!!
welcome back sir!
that's a bit harsh luv. bros gotta back bros. and i hate effing bullies. my playground job in grade school was to kick bullies' asses, and i really haven't changed much since then.
Are y'all CUCKS? No offense but everyone has their fantasies and the 3 of you are doting on each other like a bunch of CUCKS.
I'm on topic, this is about ADVENTURE !!!

Originally Posted by Busty